Čerstvá Japonská rýže
Přímo od japonských farmářů.

Autentická chuť Japonska
Vyzkoušejte, jak má chutnat rýže.

Odesíláme každé pondělí
Ihned po tříštění putuje k Vám.

Čerstvou rýži tříštíme v ČR
Jako jediní v ČR. Čerstvěji to nejde.
What makes our rice unique?
We works very closely with Japanese farmers from Honshu and Hokkaido.
Our goal is to introduce to the Czech public and to the people in Europe
the authentic Japanese cuisine and gastronomy. And we specialize in importing
high-quality Japanese rice and other foods and products that promote and enhance
the quality and taste of Japanese rice.
We have deep roots in Japan, with 20 years of living in Japan. During my life in Japan,
I gained a great deal of experience and important knowledge about Japan, the Japanese way of life, thinking,
and human and interpersonal philosophy.
And I want to expand this knowledge and wisdom and make it available to people who did not and
do not have the opportunity to visit Japan and see and experience its modern anomalies,
novelties and a different view of the way of life.