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Shikiyutaka comes from Inashiki, Ibaraki Prefecture, which is located between Lake Kasumigaura and the Tone River. The area has very nutritious and rich soil and abundant water resources, making it an ideal place to grow high-quality rice. Shikiyutaka is a relatively new type of rice that originates from Koshihikari. This is a new "improved" version of the most popular Koshihikari rice with a slightly different elastic mochi texture.

Taste and Characteristics  

Shikiyutaka is a very sticky mochi style rice with a very intense natural sweetness. It has a very mochi chewy texture with the absolute perfect stickiness. Shikiyutaka rice grains are larger and very nutritious. This rice does not harden even after cooling.  Compared to other types of Japanese rice, this has a very intense strong natural sweetness, a very chewy elastic texture and larger grains, all of which make this delicacy an excellent rice with an incredible taste. After cooling, this rice remains very soft, very tasty and does not lose any of its qualities.

Meals that go well with Shikuyutaka 

This rice is very sticky with a mochi texture. Therefore, it is perfect with onigiri and is recommended to be consumed only with prepared dishes, such as sashimi or yakiniku, or any kind of vegetables, especially Japanese tsukemono vegetables. The harder exterior also makes it ideal for donburi, a Japanese rice bowl with a variety of side dishes. And because it retains its wonderful taste and delicacy even after it has completely cooled, it is ideal for lunch boxes or as onigiri.


Shikiyutaka 2kg
Shikiyutaka 5kg
979 Kč
(874,11 Kč excl. VAT)
Shikiyutaka 2kg
Shikyutaka 2kg
379 Kč
(338,39 Kč excl. VAT)
Page 1 of 1 - 2 items total
Shikiyutaka 2kg
338,39 Kč excl. VAT
379 Kč

Shikiyutaka is a relatively new type of rice that was bred from the most popular rice in Japan - Koshihikari.  Shikiyutaka is a Koshihikari hybrid mochi, very sticky...

Shikiyutaka 2kg
874,11 Kč excl. VAT
979 Kč

Shikiyutaka is a relatively new type of rice that was bred from the most popular rice in Japan - Koshihikari.  Shikiyutaka is a Koshihikari hybrid mochi, very sticky...

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