Ichibutsuki SUPER BOOST
What is Ichibutsuki?
Here it is necessary to explain that Ichitbutsuki is not a type of rice like Koshihikari or Shikiyutaka. But Ichibutsuki actually means rice slightly polished to only 10%. White rice is traditionally polished to 100% to remove all the bran, leaving the rice white. But in our case, we polish the rice and set the polishing intensity according to its type. For example, Koshihikari is more than 90% polished. But Akitakomachi is usually only 80% or 85% polished.
Ichibutsuki is polished Japanese rice to only 10%, so that all the healthy benefits that can be found in the bran are preserved. Rice grains contain only about 8% rice bran. However, it is in this component that you can find up to 75% of all the nutritional benefits of rice. This is probably the reason why many people who invest in their health and try to supply their body with the maximum amount of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber choose brown rice. However, brown rice is not as tasty as white rice. It is also very specific to cook brown rice correctly, especially for those who have very little experience in its preparation.
Therefore, we offers an ideal compromise, where we polish the brown rice to only 10%. The bran is only minimally removed, while 90% of the bran remains. This basically means that all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals that brown rice is so rich in can be found in Ichibutsuki. A huge benefit is that Ichibutsuki can be cooked much easier, just like white rice.
The Uniqueness of Ichibutsuki
We are the only company outside of Japan that can offer this type of rice. This healthy, tasty, easy-to-prepare Ichibutsuki rice is a super food treasure that is not yet fully known. It is ideal for professional athletes and people who take sports seriously. This rice is also for everyone who invests in their healthy eating. It is also ideal for bodybuilders and people who need to watch their weight. By consuming this rice daily, you will notice amazing changes in your body and eating habits. Be among the first to try this rice. You won't be disappointed.
Eating Ichibutsuki has amazing health benefits:
• Ichibutsuki is high in fiber, minerals and vitamins, almost as much as brown rice
• Ichibutsuki is less sticky than normal Japanese rice for those who don't like stickiness. The stickiness of this type of rice can be easily controlled by the amount of water and preparation before cooking.
• Ichibutsuki supplies the body with the necessary energy, improves bodily functions and the overall rhythm of the body.
• Ichibutsuki, for its nutritional values and other contents, is very helpful in losing weight, because when we eat it, we always feel full and do not want to eat unhealthy ingredients.
• Ichibutsuki can positively regulate blood sugar levels and in this way can minimize the risk of diabetes.
• Ichibutsuki contains fibers that support the digestive system, help regulate bowel movements and maintain regular bowel movements. • Ichibutsuki contains oils that are involved in the ability to excrete cholesterol from the body.
• Ichibutsuki contains high amounts of magnesium and calcium, two elements known for their ability to maintain healthy bones and are supportive in the treatment of arthritis and osteoporosis.
• Ichibutsuki is a very rich rice and when you eat it you feel full.
• Ichibutsuki helps to minimize the desire for unhealthy and nutritionally low and unnecessary substances such as sugar, etc.
The table above shows the values of vitamin E, vitamin B1, fabric, iron and calcium. Yellow is brown rice, red is our offered itchibutsuki rice, green is our sold white rice, and blue is completely white rice mostly offered in stores.
As you can see, the differences between brown rice and our ichibutsuki are really minimal. That's why we recommend everyone to try our ichibutsuki.